Coaches are our secret

Get Guidance

You don’t have to start your journey to a career in tech alone! Get matched up with a coach who has completed our training and can help answer all of your questions and point you in the right direction, every step of the way.

Meet other people in the job search


Find other people who are in the same place as you, whether you’re thinking through options, enrolled in this training, or in the middle of a training class. Ask questions, stay in touch, and find your community.

We are here to guide you

  • Get a mentor

    Get matched to a coach who has currently enrolled in a Bootcamp themselves. They can help guide you through the process of choosing the right tech Bootcamp, enrolling, and succeeding in the program.

  • Make a career plan

    Partner with your mentor in designing your step-by-step action plan to get a job in tech. They will help you with training, and your needs, and explain how the Bootcamp process works from start to finish.

  • Learn skills from a college

    All our training classes will get you accredited certifications from Canadian colleges at no extra cost. Training will focus on giving you the hard skills and the soft skills you need to get a job in tech.

"UPI helped me from start to finish from providing training to finding support and mentors and successfully compete for jobs. They helped me find a scholarship for my program and connected me to people who were highly supportive and influential throughout my journey."

Nikita Agarwal, Engineering Manager

"At the beginning of the COVID lockdown, I had just lost my job in social work and became homeless on numerous occasions and I didn't have a college degree. UPI gave me the option to get trained with their colleges online and get certificates that fit my needs and provided me with the opportunity to find a six figure position, not having to worry about bills or the possibility of homelessness."

Matthew Isenwel, Software Engineer


Our employer-competitive learners have received job offers from thousands of global organizations. As you take the next steps in your career, you’ll have exclusive access to job referrals from our network of 250+ partners.

Get answers to your questions👋


  • How will UPI help me?

    UPI will teach you the basics about jobs that involve technology, connect you with others looking to break into a career in tech, and figure out which tech career path is right for you. UPI will also help you find a squad of peers who will hold you to account and with whom you can share ideas.

  • How much does UPI Charge for the training bootcamp?

    We charge you a minimal fee of 29 USD a month for 12 months to provide you with high-quality learning material, mentors, and companies. Whenever we help schools or companies find qualified applicants, they pay us a fee to keep it free for you. That’s how we provide the best resources to help you find the best training provider at the lowest cost.

  • What can I expect from my mentor?

    When you meet your mentor, you will learn about job paths in the tech field and work towards figuring out which one best piques your interest. Next, your mentor will go over solutions to any roadblocks keeping you from reaching your career goals. Your mentor will ask you about your past experience to see how that experience could be used in the career which you want to pursue.

  • Which courses will I learn and from where?

    UPI has partnered with various North American colleges to provide you with accredited certifications from colleges in various computer science courses at no additional cost.
    You will learn all the essential languages, data structures, AI, Cybersecurity, and more to build your skills.


UPI is more than a Bootcamp: it's a career transformation experience. Beyond learning the essential technical skills you'll need to start a new career as a SOFTWARE ENGINEER, you'll gain hands-on, industry experience through unique real-world projects where you'll work alongside industry professionals on real business problems and collaborate with designers, data scientists, and digital marketers to deliver a real-world solution. See why thousands of graduates have launched their new careers with UPI through this Bootcamp.

Ask your mentor for advice!

Book your first coaching session and get started today on your journey to a fulfilling career in tech