Course curriculum

    1. Learning outcome

    2. Entrepreneurs - Risk takers

    3. Characteristics & Skills

    4. Learning Summary

    5. Quiz

    1. Learning Outcomes

    2. Could Your Hobby Be a Career?

    3. A Business Plan Can Help You Decide

    4. Try It Before You Commit

    5. A Downfall to Making a Hobby a Career

    6. Learning Summary

    7. Quiz

    1. Learning Outcomes

    2. Entrepreneurship Defined

    3. Factors of Production

    4. Types of Entrepreneurs

    5. Engine for Growth & Innovation

    6. Learning Summary

    7. Quiz

    1. Learning Outcomes

    2. Small is Relative

    3. Micro-enterprise

    4. Small Business Dominates Economy

    5. Characteristics of Small Businesses

    6. Why Small Businesses Fail

    7. Learning Summary

    8. Quiz

    1. Learning Outcomes

    2. The Global Economy and Small Business

    3. Small Business Advantages

    4. Small Business Disadvantages

    5. Learning Summary

    6. Quiz

    1. Entrepreneurial Skills

    2. Entrepreneurial Competencies

    3. Learning Summary

    4. Quiz

About this course

  • Free
  • 109 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content